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Inspiring and Motivating People to Maximize Their Potential

Solution Consulting is committed to helping businesses solve problems. Our expertise is in our ability to work with a company and individuals to develop a strategy and implement a plan that creates sustained change and improvement. We exhibit excellence in performance consulting and relationship building. Our strength is in helping you develop a winning team with effective leaders. We can help your company achieve more with your most important resource -- your employees.
Helping PEOPLE reach their
full potential

Helping ORGANIZATIONS get the
best out of their people

    Become a better executive
  • Personalized coaching packages to help you succeed in your current organization -
  • Individual coaching to guide you to be the best of you through making intentional decisions that lead you to success

    Motivate your people
  • Speaking engagements to help bring perspective and purpose to your employees
  • Energize employees with personal  development
    Create a plan – and accomplish your goals
  • Accountability coach, helping you chart your path to success and making sure you take every step through positive encouragement and partnership accountability
    Maximize the potential of your entire organization
  • Leadership training, customized for the needs of the leaders in your organization
  • Proven models for success that will help your leaders cascade a common approach to high performance throughout the company
    Clarify your personal brand
  • Resume and cover letter coaching to help improve how employers view you
  • Know who you are, and how to present yourself
    Take advantage of the changing work environment
  • Courses designed to help both experienced and new employees understand each other
  • 21st Century Skills and Professional Behavior courses to create a positive work environment
    Understand yourself – and how others see you
  • Analytical solutions to profile your behavior, helping you understand your professional and personal needs
  • Birkman Behavioral Profile©® opportunity to gain insight into your needs and how to have them met
    Stay current with new processes and skills
  • Understanding current business trends creates opportunities in your professional life and understandings in your personal life
About Barger Jeutter
Barger Jeutter Barger Jeutter inspires and motivates people to maximize their potential. She has over 35 years of management, marketing and leadership training experience. Barger's consulting services cover a diverse range of successful projects including executive level coaching, leadership training, strategic planning, designing marketing brochures, motivational speaking, creating winning teams, developing productive and effective leaders, and implementing unique approaches to individual and team training plans and solutions. We help individuals be the very best of themselves.

Prior to starting her own consulting business 20 years ago, Barger was Training & Development Manager for DuPont Agricultural Products. Additionally she worked for San Francisco based Software Publishing and for Boston based Forum Corporation. She brings a unique blend of work experience in sales, strategic development, creating and implementing vision and goals, marketing, training and developing people to their fullest potential.

Barger graduated from the University of Virginia. She is located in Waynesboro,VA in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Barger has a passion for working with people as is evident in all dealings with her.
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